
How To Hypnotize Someone Over Text

How to hypnotize by text message

Hypnosis is a popular technique used in our daily lives, more than you might realize.

From professional psychics to mentalists to psychiatrists, they can easily gain access to your unconscious mind. You might have also seen regular hypnosis shows on famous TV shows or movies.

Hypnosis is a powerful mind-controlling technique, allowing the user to plant ideas, suggestions, and thoughts without the subject's knowledge. As a result, the subject tends to think that the opinions or actions resulting from hypnosis come from them.

However, how is it possible to hypnotize someone through text messaging?

Hypnosis and text messaging

We experience trance states on the daily. Whenever you are deep in thought, fantasizing, day-dreaming, or even watching a television show, you enter a trance.

Hypnosis is all about inducing a state of being entranced, and it is quite possible to achieve this through a text message.

It is similar to the effect you get when you read a fascinating book and do not notice the time passing. Often, you feel calm, pleasurable, warm, and excited when reading the book, ushering you into a trance.

You can hypnotize someone by text message by mastering how to create these wonderful feelings and experiences deliberately and consistently in the reader of the text message.

Creating a text trance involves using a particular language pattern that has specific keywords and authoritative speech to access your subconscious mind.

By using an effective language pattern, you bypass any mental filters in the mind and put your prospect in a trance.

Some may even suggest that text hypnosis may be more effective than face-to-face hypnosis as it offers a cleaner and more precise mode of communication between two people to understand each other.

How to write a hypnotic text

Writing a hypnotic text is quite challenging as it is more connected to psychology than mentalism. When you are using the old pocket watch to put someone in a state of trance, they are willing to go through the process, making it easier.

Furthermore, the hypnotist can use various senses to access the subconscious mind of the victim, like touch, sight, and hearing.

When using text hypnosis, the person on the other end can only enter a state of trance by using their sense of sight. As a result, they can be easily distracted and not pay attention while reading the text message, reducing the chances of hypnosis working.

Luckily, there is always another chance of the hypnosis working as long as you can keep sending the messages. However, it is of great help if you do not let the other person know that you are hypnotizing them.

Advertising companies use brainwashing text messages in their advertisements to persuade us to buy their products. Similarly, you need to use subtexts, subliminal messages, and pictures to put your subject in a state of trance.

The combination of the right words unlocks the unconscious mind of anyone. Text hypnosis combines the use of techniques in conversational hypnosis, like hypnotic language patterns, and the right emojis and pictures.

By using the right hypnosis techniques, you can become a master of persuasion.

Covert hypnotic language patterns

The one advantage of covert hypnosis over traditional hypnosis is the ability to entrance anyone while having a normal conversation. You do not have to sit face-to-face or request their permission to hypnotize them.

However, you do have to create a connection with the victim for his/her complete attention. Establish a rapport and engage most of the subject's senses.

Unfortunately, it is quite challenging to know whether you have triggered a state of trace in your victim via text message.

By using hypnotic language patterns, you can safely deduce whether your victim is in a trance by the way they respond to your texts and the words they use.

There are numerous hypnotic language patterns available in hypnosis. However, learning the basics of these language patterns will enable you to form your unique pattern that works effectively.

Basically, hypnotic language patterns should usher a victim into a hypnotic trance. A trance is a state of extreme focus and hypnotic language patterns help the subject focus the attention, and turn it inwards.

Milton H. Erickson developed the 'indirect' approach to hypnosis, where a hypnotist uses structured language to entrance their subject. This brilliant hypnotist discovered that people do not always respond positively to specific suggestions or being told what to do.

For instance, a hypnotist may say, 'you are feeling sleepy.'

The Ericksonian equivalent to this is, 'as you listen to me here, sitting there in your chair, you might begin to feel a lovely feeling of drowsiness.' The critical factor of the mind will not argue with this statement, allowing easy access to the subconscious mind.

Covert hypnotic language patterns are very lax. Unlike traditional hypnosis, where its directions are precise, this indirect approach gives the subject the freedom to interpret what he/she is told in a manner that personally identifies to them.

For example, a traditional hypnotist may say, 'Imagine yourself relaxing on a beautiful beach with golden sand.' If you had an unpleasant memory on the beach as a child, your imaginative and internal reality is unlikely to match this specific suggestion, disrupting the hypnotic trance.

Alternatively, the Ericksonian equivalent of this statement is likely to be, 'Imagine a time and a place in your life where you felt perfectly relaxed and at ease. Are you able to get a sense of that now?'

With such a statement, there is no direct instruction to experience something specific within your imagination.

A perfectly safe assumption has been made by setting up a general outline of a 'place and time' where you felt relaxed, allowing the subject to fill in the specific details himself/herself.

By using such language patterns, you allow the inward focus of attention as you sort through your memories and experiences to find a specific place and time you were relaxed.

Remembering such a time also allows you to relive the feelings you felt at that time, producing a sense of relaxation in the present.

Together with specific covert language patterns, you may also utilize several well-established 'tools of the trade' to induce a state of trance by text messaging. For example, the 'yes set' has proven effective with covert hypnotic language patterns.

Basically, the 'yes set' is a series of statements that the subject cannot help but agree.

They are statements that are so evidently true, making the subject likely to agree with whatever comes next. The use of truisms, experiences, or aspects of behavior is also a popular technique used together with hypnotic language patterns.

For example, saying 'you know how to relax, don't you?' the 'don't you' at the end of the sentence is a favorite hypnotic language pattern used by a proficient hypnotist.

It is a 'tag statement' used to make the statement before it, easier to accept, and less direct. Suggestions are more likely to be followed when followed by a truism, even if the two things do not necessarily make sense following each other.

Hypnotists also use double-binds or illusory choices to create a trance and achieve a hypnotic trance. 'Will you relax now or in two minutes time?' This statement presupposes you will relax but questions the time when you will do so.

The use of nominalization also helps in achieving the desired outcome.

Nominalisation is using words that do not have an intrinsic meaning within themselves, making them open to individual interpretation.

Nominalised words, like relaxation, tranquility, secure, pleasant, or safe, allow the mind to turn inwards and attach personal meaning to them.


By using covert hypnotic language patterns as well as other hypnosis techniques, you will put your subject in a state of trance as soon as you start texting. These techniques open the unconscious mind to receive and translate new information.

Using hypnotic language in text messaging involves delivering information in a form that the subconscious mind will readily accept.

Other ways of smuggling a message past the critical factor of the mind include using deliberate ambiguity and confusion, analogies, puns, stories, and metaphors, among many others.

Due to the efficiency of hypnotic language patterns, many hypnotists, psychologists, and mentalists use these techniques to help their patients/ subjects.

How To Hypnotize Someone Over Text


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