
How To Make Your Camera Blurry

Blurry Camera? An Like shooting fish in a barrel Way to Prepare information technology: Have you ever opened your camera app and got everything blurred, all the objects and The people blurred. What could be worse than that?

Clicking a Perfect Picture but at the time yous saw it, It was blurry. Wow, that's what happened to me. And if you have questions similar Why is your camera blurry? OR My telephone camera is blurry. How exercise I fix it?

Today I accept the solutions for this blurry photographic camera problem. I have 6 easy steps that yous can follow to set up the photographic camera blur event. And I am guaranteeing that if yous follow all the six steps then yous can click pictures perfectly(Without Camera Blur) or you can click ameliorate pictures than blurry ones. You can follow these steps on both camera sides on the Rear camera and even on the front camera.

How to fix camera blur

Why is My Camera Taking Blurry Photos?

There could be many reasons behind the camera Blur. Simply mainly six reasons are creating blur issues on your mobile camera.

  1. Grit or Vapor
  2. Autofocus might create blur
  3. Camera Settings
  4. In many cases, App might be the problem
  5. Mobile cases or covers
  6. Dust went inside the lens

These are the primary reasons behind all kinds of camera blurs.

Allow's quickly move on to the solutions that y'all tin follow to fix the camera blurring problem.

How to Fix Blurry Camera on Any Phone – half-dozen Steps

In this tutorial, I am gonna show you the vi steps that you tin follow to fix all the issues with the camera which is creating Blur. To click perfect photos Or the photos without Blur.

1. Effort to clean the lens with a secret formula!

clean camera len with this

Many people make clean the camera lenses of their smartphones but most of them fail to click perfect photos later on wiping the cotton fiber on the lens of the camera.

Here is what you can do? Then, first of all, you demand cotton balls and toothpaste. You can utilise any toothpaste, it doesn't matter.

Right afterwards collecting all required materials:

  • Utilize some toothpaste on the cotton wool balls and start rubbing on the photographic camera lens gently.
  • Later few minutes take another cotton ball and dip it into some water and call up Don't wet the cotton completely
  • Now start rubbing the wet cotton brawl on the photographic camera lens to articulate all the toothpaste

Video Tutorial to Fix Camera Blur:

Right later on doing all the process, endeavour to click a motion-picture show and hopefully, it will work for about of the devices just remember to read further steps to completely set it.

2. Plough off the Automatic Focus

turn off the auto focus

In many smartphones, there is a default setting for autofocus which is always on even when you lot don't need it.

This tin be the issue backside the front camera mistiness or the rear camera Blur to fix it just disable the autofocus from settings and below are the steps to disable it:

  1. Open Camera App
  2. Now long tap on the object on which you desire to focus
  3. After few seconds The autofocus will be locked
  4. Now yous can take images without that autofocus
autofocus lock

On that notation let'south motion on to the 3rd method to fix blur. Acquire To disable automobile focus.

iii. Shuffle in-camera setting

As we all know, according to our needs we alter the default settings that came from the company but sometimes this might be creating a blur trouble with your camera lens.

If you haven't changed your camera settings still you need to restore all the default camera settings to prepare the unclear photos problem.

To restore default camera settings follow the below procedure

restore default camera settings to fix blurry camera
  • First of all open the default camera app
  • Get into the settings > Scroll Down to the bottom
  • Now Tap on Restore default settings

In many phones resetting the camera settings can fix the photographic camera blur issue even in the Samsung and realme devices. That means if you have a Samsung device and getting the photographic camera blur consequence in Samsung then you need to follow this.

4. Install 3rd-political party camera app

If you lot have already followed the above steps then you demand a third-party photographic camera app. Why practice I need a tertiary-political party camera app? Because sometimes in that location is a bug in the default camera app which is pre-installed by the company itself, that's why you demand a photographic camera app y'all can download from Google Play Store.

But if yous want to get the all-time camera app then yous should read it.

5. Remove the Smartphone Cover, So-called "Example"

Mobile Case or Cover

Who doesn't apply mobile covers? I personally use mobile covers and I am damn certain you lot probably as well use mobile covers. Mobile covers are the protectors for our smartphones. They protect our smartphone screens and body.

How tin can smartphone covers cause the Camera Blur? In many cases, if you have a smartphone example then this might be the problem considering in most of the mobile cases there is a bump over the photographic camera and sometimes it covers the photographic camera (Even a lilliputian bit or Flash light filled in embrace) OR probably the case might not exist properly manufactured or you lot can say it's a lacking piece.

To fix camera blurring try this: Whenever you are clicking any pictures endeavor to remove the mobile comprehend. Removing the mobile cover and so taking photos is an effective method to fix the camera Mistiness.

6. Dust Inside Camera Lens

Dust went inside the camera len

If yous tin can see the dust gone inside the photographic camera lens or on the photographic camera mirror then you should go to whatsoever nearby Mobile Repair Store. Many people try to do it themselves simply I don't suggest if you desire skilful results and so I strongly recommend you to show your phone to an skilful.

FAQs On Phone Camera Blurry

Why is my camera lens blurry?

If your photographic camera lens is blurry, chances are there'due south grit within the lens or lens of the photographic camera being scratched. It tin be fixed by clearing the camera lens using a thinner cotton ball. Moreover, visit the nearest repair shop and become the photographic camera lens fixed. Generally, camera mistiness is caused by general issues like; non cleaning the phone or autofocus is non working.

Why is my front camera blurry android?

If the android front camera is blurry chances are in that location's sweat on the lens, which sticks onto the lens when we had a long conversion on the device. Information technology can be stock-still past a few unproblematic steps which are below.

Why is my telephone taking blurry pictures?

Generally, the camera hasn't been cleaned for a long fourth dimension, scratched on the lens, grit or vapor on the phone camera. Information technology can exist fixed past cleaning it using thinner (nail paint remover) or using a wet cotton ball.


This Article is on reasons why your camera is blurry and how to fix it. I hope this tutorial will be helpful for you to fix the camera mistiness problem .

Many people actually already tried these steps and even I also tried them on my smartphone and you should as well try this.

Let me know in the comments if you still have any queries about Camera Blur.


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