
pixel art in real life

Pixel Art Archive


Aseprite keeps getting better and better.

This new update brings lots of cool features including tile support, new palette control options and cleaner tranformations.

It is available through the beta channel on Steam.

You can watch the trailer here:Aseprite Trailer (YouTube)

Posted by Theoden @ 5/27/2021 02:13  |  4


Posted by Gecimen @ 3/17/2021 06:04  |  8


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for November 2018. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

#6 Pixel Art

Dungeon Runner game sprites
by Gecimen

Posted by Gecimen @ 12/19/2018 01:44  |  2


A mainly Russian collab project that involves mechs in garages ended with awesome results. You can see the final image here.

The collab, managed by Veli; features Arne's palette. The website is made by Kartonnnyi with music by Blinch.

Posted by Gecimen @ 11/29/2018 13:33  |  1


The latest official Pixel Joint isometric collab, featuring Dawnbringer's yet again another awesome award winning palette, Pirates of the ISObbean has just ended after 16 months!

The final image can be seen here, featuring 98 tiles, 32 participants, assembled between April 14, 2017 and August 12, 2018.

Thanks to everyone who participated in this collab and provided so much help to others in this 18 page thread. Special thanks to top contributors Irenaart & Reo for their amazing tiles that helped keeping the collab alive.

Our next iso collab will be announced shortly after we have the results of our next palette competition!

Posted by Gecimen @ 8/13/2018 01:29  |  12


As some of you know, 2 weeks ago our community and the Pixel Art Discord server ran simultaneous weekly challenges to pixel each other's mascots. They have recently published their contest's results! Since not all PJers are members of both communities, we have taken the liberty to make the pieces that were submitted available to a greater audience.

You can check out all of their contest entries here!

Posted by pyrometal @ 3/6/2018 18:53  |  3


PJs next isometric collaboration has begun in the forum.
This time, we are going to build a pirate island(s). First time this round, the borders must end with water. Anything related to the general pirate feel is cool. Several examples are: caves, buildings, forts, piers, ships (floating or not), pirates , palms, treasures, ghosts, skeletons, and any fantasy element as long as they are pirate-y.
Welcome to the ISObbean. Yaaaarrrrrr!

This project features Dawnbringer's 's award winning palette.

Read all the details and the project rules HERE

Posted by Gecimen @ 4/14/2017 03:23  |  2


The OPP is once again back in action, now with a cool video!

The Open Pixel Project was born here on PJ in 2013. We create free game graphics using the DB32 palette. If you're interested in joining us, come say hi at the forums or our new discord chat

If you wish to use our sprites, or just have a look at them, from now on you can download everything on the brand new website:

Posted by Hapiel @ 3/22/2017 06:22  |  2


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for February 2017. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 3/31/2017 03:03  |  0


PJs latest isometric collaborative project with post apocalypse theme featuring mordfikosz 's award winning palette is complete in a new record time of 7 months!

98 tiles, 42 participants, assembled between May 21, 2016 and December 25, 2016.

The final image can be seen HERE.

Thanks to everyone who participated in this collab and provided so much help to others in this 18 page thread. Special thanks to top contributors Irenaart & sjhwi1a for their amazing tiles that inspired & boosted everyone.

Stay tuned for our next collab!

Posted by Gecimen @ 1/8/2017 05:01  |  6


Posted by Gecimen @ 11/22/2016 02:43  |  12


The Owlboy poster competition will be closed app. 15 hours from now. Don't miss the chance to win unique tropies for your PJ profiles and a copy of the game!

Edit:Competition is over. Winners will be announced soon(ish).

Posted by Gecimen @ 11/10/2016 08:08  |  4


There's only a few days until Owlboy -a game from DPad Studios founded by PJ member Snake- is released! In this special competition, we want you to design your own Owlboy poster. While you can use character designs and locations from Owlboy, you have to pixel everything yourself, including the title.

Top three entrants will win a copy of the game plus unique tropies for their profiles.

Posted by Gecimen @ 10/19/2016 05:08  |  17


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for June 2016. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Mandrill @ 7/19/2016 06:22  |  6


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for May 2016. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 6/17/2016 06:57  |  1


PJs next isometric collaboration has begun in the forum.
The theme for this isometric collaboration is post-apocalypse and anything relating to this general theme is cool...
Welcome to the Thunderdome!

Featuring mordfikosz 's award winning 11 color palette.

Read all the details and the project rules HERE

Posted by jalonso @ 5/20/2016 17:36  |  0


It seems we skipped to post Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for March 2016. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 5/30/2016 02:04  |  9


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for April 2016. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Mandrill @ 5/23/2016 13:40  |  9


PJs latest isometric collaborative project is complete in record time! Famous science & discovery breakthroughs and science fiction all found their place in this collab.

98 tiles, 32 different participants, assembled between June 12, 2015 and March 30, 2016.

The final image can be seen HERE

Thanks to everyone who participated in this collab and provided so much help to others in this 20 page thread. Thanks to DawnBringer once again for his award winning palette and top contributors Mirre & sjhwi1a for their amazing tiles that inspired & boosted everyone.

Posted by Gecimen @ 3/22/2016 05:31  |  12


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for February 2016. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 3/16/2016 04:37  |  1


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for January 2016. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 2/16/2016 08:18  |  3


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for December 2015. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 1/27/2016 06:53  |  6


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for November 2015. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 12/24/2015 15:05  |  4


Hello PJers!

1st December makes 10 years since one of PJ's oldest bugs, jalonso, joined Pixel Joint.

To celebrate his anniversary, we wish to surprise him with a flood of jal themed avatars this week!

To participate:

Create an avatar (max 64x64), in the theme of a birthday party. Cakes, the number 10, your character dancing, scarabs and other bugs, anything goes!

Use the palette of the original jal avatar + transparency: jalspalette

Optionally animate this, ideally with just 2 frames (like the other jal-atars)

And don't forget to use it as your avatar for the jal-atars week!

If you feel creative and can improve your work by bending the guidelines, feel free to do so!

Please don't forget to tell Lakelezz via this news item, PM or within the description of your piece, if it is okay to let Lakelezz use your piece in a collage in order to keep the memories saved : )

The collage will be posted via another news post and not be uploaded on a PJ user account.

Last but not least:

A big thank you from us to you jalonso, for your great work as moderator and as community member!

(note: this isn't a weekly challenge, so don't check that box when submitting)

Posted by king_bobston @ 11/30/2015 23:08  |  51


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for October 2015. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 11/18/2015 07:11  |  7


Posted by jeremy @ 11/16/2015 16:12  |  6


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for September 2015. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 10/22/2015 17:07  |  6


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for August 2015. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 9/17/2015 00:13  |  4


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for July 2015. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 8/26/2015 03:00  |  1


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for June 2015. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 7/17/2015 15:50  |  0


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for May 2015. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 6/22/2015 16:21  |  8


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for April 2015. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 5/21/2015 06:49  |  13


Time for another Pixeljoint palette comp which is open to everyone and is quite simple.
Submit your 16 color unique + original palette. Hex values must be included.

The winning palette will be used in PJs next forum collab and a spiffy trophy added to your profile.
+1000 Pts+500 Pts +250 Pts+100 Pts
* Honorable mentions may be given for this contest as needed.

See the forum thread to post your entry and read the rules HERE

Comp closes, April 29, 2015. CLOSED!

Posted by Gecimen @ 4/22/2015 06:50  |  19


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for March 2015. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 4/21/2015 05:49  |  1


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for February 2015. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 3/16/2015 21:36  |  3


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for January 2015. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 2/25/2015 13:41  |  2


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for December 2014. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 1/16/2015 02:35  |  6


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for November 2014. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 12/17/2014 11:15  |  5


Posted by jeremy @ 11/19/2014 03:05  |  0


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for October 2014. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 11/18/2014 02:55  |  2


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for September 2014. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 10/16/2014 02:11  |  17


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for August 2014. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 9/17/2014 04:56  |  6


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for July 2014. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 8/16/2014 02:10  |  8


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for June 2014. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 7/16/2014 06:25  |  10


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for May 2014. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 6/20/2014 07:19  |  3


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for April 2014. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 5/23/2014 06:22  |  4


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for March 2014. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 4/20/2014 02:57  |  5


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for February 2014. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 3/18/2014 06:15  |  13


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for January 2014. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 2/19/2014 09:10  |  11


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for December 2013. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 1/18/2014 14:33  |  8


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for November 2013. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 12/15/2013 13:27  |  12


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for October 2013. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 11/20/2013 09:08  |  2


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for September 2013. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 10/22/2013 01:34  |  6


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for August 2013. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by skamocore @ 9/17/2013 11:18  |  5


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for July 2013. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 8/18/2013 05:58  |  8


Time for another Pixeljoint palette comp which is open to everyone and is quite simple.
Submit your 13 color unique & original palette.

You must name the HEX values andNO black - 000000 or white - FFFFFF

The winning palette will be used in PJs next collab and a spiffy trophy added to your profile.
+1000 Pts+500 Pts +250 Pts+100 Pts
*honorable mentions may be given for this contest as needed.

See the forum thread to post your entry and read the rules HERE

Contest closes on Thursday, September 5, 2013. OPEN!

Posted by Gecimen @ 8/15/2013 02:17  |  30


In case no one noticed, Pixelation has a twitter account which is used to post server status and things like that. In case of stuff not working and so on, go there to see what is up (if we know it will be posted there).

Posted by ptoing @ 8/3/2013 03:18  |  3


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for June 2013. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 7/16/2013 03:32  |  5


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for May 2013. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 6/18/2013 01:52  |  9


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for March 2013. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by Gecimen @ 4/16/2013 14:50  |  9


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for February 2013. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 3/19/2013 17:57  |  8


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for January 2013. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 2/20/2013 18:34  |  8


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for December 2012. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 1/16/2013 17:23  |  6


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for November 2012. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 12/16/2012 21:21  |  4


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for October 2012. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 11/17/2012 02:49  |  4


Posted by Gecimen @ 11/12/2012 06:56  |  15


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for August 2012. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 9/17/2012 19:22  |  5


A rare Pixeljoint job posting on the front page!

Posted by nitromemat @ 8/29/2012 10:02  |  12


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for July 2012. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by skamocore @ 8/16/2012 15:04  |  7


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for June 2012. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 7/20/2012 20:10  |  6


"Susan Kare, the artist who gave computing human face"

Posted by iLKke @ 11/23/2011 18:12  |  8


PJs latest isometric collaborative project is finally complete. The original theme was just 'underground' but developed a videogame sub-theme along the way...find them all!

98 tiles, 53 participants, assembled between Sept 11, 2010 and October 31, 2011.

The final image can be seen HERE

Thanks to everyone who participated in this collab and provided so much help to others in this 32 page thread. Especially Gecimen for his 'above and beyond' vigilance and DawnBringer for the super palette that inspired so many beyond this collab.

Posted by jalonso @ 11/18/2011 07:55  |  13


Pixelstudio by Jim Reed
Draw pixelart in your browser HERE, join in while it's still hot!

Pixie Engine submitted by Arkan85
Create pixel art 32x32 and save/download it HERE.
14 color palette but you can set the level of transparency and obtain any color you want! Many tools, plus you can see directly how your pixel art would look if tiled.

Posted by Jim Reed @ 10/1/2011 04:25  |  6


Our precious pixels are influencing the runways and furniture. What a glorious time to be alive.

Check it!

Posted by sedgemonkey @ 10/14/2011 08:52  |  18


PJ member iLKke, was requested to create a rudimentary tutorial for pixelling favicon-sized sprites. Fairly simple stuff, but useful to some.

This Simple 16x16 pixel tutorial can be seen HERE and HERE

Posted by iLKke @ 9/29/2011 04:06  |  5


If you've ever wanted to bring your pixel art masterpieces into the real world The Wooden Arcade might be the ticket.

Check it!

Posted by sedgemonkey @ 9/26/2011 15:38  |  4


Futurama presented a big chunk of their last episode using pixel art. They know their audience!

Check it!

Posted by sedgemonkey @ 9/14/2011 09:16  |  13


Still with fugly skin and no zoom stuff atm, but we will address that asap.


Posted by ptoing @ 9/13/2011 13:02  |  2


Weekly Challenge entries had a strong presence in  July's Monthly Top, alongside some old favourites, an enchanted mockup, something a little more demoscene and a piece with a great WIP thread. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 8/29/2011 21:24  |  8


Even if you're not a fan of pixel art or "theme" weddings you have to hand it to these crazy kids.

Check it!

Posted by sedgemonkey @ 6/28/2011 21:30  |  4


TUGS is a spriting/pixel art tournament originally run by Pixeltendo under the direction of BaB and Tyvon. TSR has revived TUGS, under the direction of Christoballs and invites all PJ members to join this year's tournament.

Posted by jalonso @ 6/17/2011 06:59  |  20


May featured fantasy creatures, gorgeous environments, and even a piece or two with a story. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 6/16/2011 23:26  |  8


In a new research paper, Microsoft's Johannes Kopf and The Hebrew University's Dani Lischinski describe a new algorithmic method for converting pixel art into sweet, smooth vectors.

Check it!

Posted by sedgemonkey @ 5/24/2011 11:46  |  22


This pixel artist (Andy Helms) has life pegged... "silly artwork that is only serious about not being serious".

Check it.

Posted by sedgemonkey @ 5/12/2011 10:57  |  1


March featured angels, demons and other critters, as well as fantastic landscapes. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 4/19/2011 20:30  |  5


This interesting animation by Lasse Gjertsen takes us through the life, death, and rebirth of a pixelated character. The video may seem a little long (about 12 minutes) but it is definitely worth viewing.

Posted by Justincrdibl @ 11/15/2010 11:27  |  8


January 2011 featured pieces long in the making, luscious environments and stylish sprites. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 2/18/2011 22:16  |  7


For poor folk, cheapskates and anyone stuck with Paint.

mtPaint is a FREE multi-platform graphics editor which features layers and outputs gif and png8 formats. Site Description:
"mtPaint is a painting program which Mark Tyler developed from scratch so he could easily create pixel art and manipulate digital photos."

It uses the GTK toolkit (version 1 or 2) and runs on PC's via the GNU/Linux or Windows OS.

Posted by jalonso @ 2/6/2011 11:44  |  13


December ended the year with some great pixel art. It was a month characterised by great character designs; ranging from inn-keepers to doctors and from mushrooms to mechs. Well done to the top ten artists and thanks to all the members that rated.

Posted by skamocore @ 1/15/2011 20:04  |  2


November was the home of Fantasy environments, Fantastic Creatures and Fabulous Caricatures. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by jeremy @ 12/16/2010 02:42  |  6


October was dominated by Animation, Mockups and Sea Creatures. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

#1 Pixel ArtTerry and his motor. by Stickman

Posted by jeremy @ 11/16/2010 00:06  |  11


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for September 2010. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by skamocore @ 10/15/2010 01:02  |  2


Apparently has been shut down for International users without any warning. Many here use tinypic on the forum and your gallery page descriptions. Be aware that you may see the image, depending on your location, but not everyone will. It is best not to use this popular service from now on.

Beyond ImageShack and Photobucket if you know good and easy image upload hosts that you use and recommend (especially those with no membership required), please leave a link as a comment.

Posted by jalonso @ 9/23/2010 17:00  |  24


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for August 2010. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.


Posted by jeremy @ 9/14/2010 20:39  |  8


Finally, after more than half a decade, this isometric collaborative piece has been completed. It consists of 192 50x50 tiles, all assembled between July 10 2005 and September 1 2010.

Just some of the things you can expect to see are: an oil spill, two menacing tentacled creatures, a floating desert, an anthropomorphic lighthouse and 5 euros worth of rooftop golf. What else can you find...?

Thanks to everyone who participated; the final image can be seen here.

Posted by skamocore @ 9/1/2010 00:55  |  11


From developer Matthew Klundt comes Sprite Something, an iPad app for creating pixel art and animations. It also creates actionscript files for the popular Flixel and FlashPunk game engines. Find out more on the terriblegames website. See a short demo video here.

This app is not reviewed by Pixeljoint but for US$2.99 it might be worth trying out.

Posted by mattfox12 @ 8/19/2010 08:46  |  3


The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for July 2010. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.

Posted by skamocore @ 8/15/2010 00:10  |  3

This Week's Pixel Art

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Want to give some dough back to all those amazing pixel artists? Donations provide prize money for contests, help cover hosting costs and support new initiatives.

pixel art in real life


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